We make you everyday life easier and comfortable. Moving to the new place can make you confused and little bit lost. Where to order flowers for your partner, how to send parcel to your friends, when to find sushi delivery, how to pay for the electricity.

Alpha Relocation assists you on all steps of your relocation to Tunisia:

Pre –assistance:

  • Check out the required documents
  • Pre-selection of the property to buy or to rent
  • Zoom consulting on all types of relocation
  • Transfer booking
  • Initial purchases
  • Pets transportation


  • Help with getting to know the area
  • Legalization for the long-term stay
  • Opening of the bank accounts
  • Tax consulting
  • Day to day assistance: cleaning of the property, delivery, transportation
  • Medical insurance
  • And you can ask us about everything and we will try to find a solution

For Business

  • Business relocation
  • Establishment of legal entity
  • Tax advice
  • Corporate bank account
  • Legal advise
  • Export/Import information
  • Contact us or register to find out more   

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